IHGMS Updates

Drop Off:

We would like to have the first three cars in line come to a complete stop just behind the crosswalk and unload their students at the same time. Please be sure to have your child ready to get out of the car when you get to the front of the line. Please do not allow your child to leave your car until you are one of the first 3 cars at the drop off. We don't want children walking through the parking lot unsupervised.
It is not necessary to be here at 7:35. Anytime from 7:35 to 7:50 is fine. The later in that time span you arrive, the more likely you will end up not having to wait in line.
Pick Up:
We will load the first three cars in line behind the crosswalk. As soon as you are loaded and your child securely in their seat, exit the parking lot following the car ahead of you. Please do not encourage your child to walk to your car if it is not one of the first three cars in line. We don't want to have children walking in the parking lot unsupervised.
You do not need to be here at 2:35. If you wait 5-10 minutes you may be able to drive right up to the pick up area and not have to wait in line.
We Need Your Help!
We have opened the school year with fifteen unfilled positions at the middle school. We have three open teacher positions, four Title I Tutor positions, and eight paraeducator positions. Needless to say that these open positions have made it very challenging for our school to operate with the efficiency that we have been able to do in the past. If you have time in your daily schedule, we could use your help as a volunteer or a substitute to help with lunch or recess supervision, supporting our students in classrooms, and other opportunities to help our students and our school. Please call the school at 895-3394 or email b.bickford@sau33.com if you are interested or would like more information.
Returning Student Online Registration
All of the middle school students will be issued a student Chromebook to use for the year. Chromebooks will only be issued to students that have their online registration process completed.
If you have not already done so, please fill out your Returning Student Registration. This can be done by visiting classroom.powerschool.com to log in to your PowerSchool Unified Classroom account. This is the same account you use to access your child's PowerSchool information. (If you are a staff member of the district, do NOT use your district email). This will bring you to the new experience that we will refer to as the Parent Dashboard. From the Parent Dashboard: Select the student you wish to register at the top. Select the Quick Links icon on the left side of the screen. Under Custom Links select Returning Student Registration. Follow the directions in Enrollment.
Raymond School District Reopening Plan
Face Coverings are not required but are optional for all students and staff while in school. Face coverings are required on school buses per federal order. Face coverings are required on all public transportation and our school buses fall into that category.
Daily health screenings are not required but we do request that you keep your child home if they are not feeling well.
Social distancing is not required.
One Free Breakfast and One Free Lunch for all students.
Because of a federal grant, the free breakfast and lunch program continues through this school year. Any additional items, including any individual items, need to be purchased.
Even though there are free breakfast and lunch for all students, we still need everyone to complete the Free &/or Reduced Meal Program application. The district's percentage of eligible families has a direct impact on funding for our afterschool program, LEAP, and our Title I academic support programs. Even if you do not think you qualify, please complete the application. It is totally confidential.
Student Absences
Please be advised that a phone call to the school to report your student’s absence does not constitute an excused absence. Please send in a note to the office within 2 days of the student’s absence. If the student is out for more than 3 consecutive days, a doctor’s note is required.